blatnica - watson´s house - summer
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slová chlapov zo záhradkárskej firmy, keď sa snažili vykopať diery na sadenie
stromov a kríkov v zemi plnej skál... bola som na mieste prvý krát... bolo leto,
stavba bola v plnom prúde. ..vysádzala sa záhrada... prekladať z angličtiny
požiadavky architekta slovenským robotníkom bolo miestami nad
moje sily... niekedy som to radšej neskúšala a zachovávala diplomatické
nasledujúca jesenná výsadba, alebo
skôr brigáda (pracovali architekti spolu s domácimi) sa konala na dušičky -
presne pred rokom... a ruže sa sadili do snehu...nakoniec sa všetko ujalo a toto leto mali takéto prekvapenie...
...ako na prázdninách u starej mamy...
autor návrhu
záhrady: pierre semal, architekt dplg
autor stavby: ing.arch. martina semal kubinska
autor stavby: ing.arch. martina semal kubinska
pierre semal, architekt dplg
I remember
“slightly harsh” words of the gardeners when they were digging holes in even
harsher stony ground to plant the trees and was the first time that I
had been here, in was summer, and the house build was in full
swing...the garden had been planted...translating requests of my French brother in
law, who designed the garden, to the Slovak workers was at times beyond me... sometimes I didn’t bother to do it at all, keeping diplomatic
the next
planting was in the autumn around All Saints Day... this time, the owners were
working together with the architects...exactly one year ago... they had to plant
the roses in the first, unexpectedly fallen the end everything survived
and this summer they had a very nice surprise...
resembled holidays at grandmother’s, in the countryside...
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